
As we age, the nutritional requirements of our bodies change. If you’re age 50 or older, you’ve probably noticed how easy it is to gain weight. That’s because with age, the number of calories we need begins to decline. The calorie we consume must count in order to meet our daily nutritional requirements.

According to an article posted by WebMD, older adults are often missing several key nutrients in their diets. Lack of appetite or issues with teeth are two reasons older adults don’t consume adequate nutrition. But social reasons also contribute. If one lives alone, they are less likely to go to the effort of preparing balanced and complete meals. Instead they consume snacks and/or convenience foods.

The net result is older adults often lack these nine key nutrients in their diets. Take a look and then we’ll offer a solution:

Nutrient 1: Vitamin B12
B12 is important for creating red blood cells and DNA, and for maintaining healthy nerve function.

 Nutrient 2: Folate/Folic Acid
Too little of this essential B vitamin is known for contributing to anemia.

Nutrient 3: Calcium
Calcium plays an important role in building and maintaining strong bones. If there’s a lack of calcium in one’s diet, the body will leach it out of the bones, leading to an increased risk of brittle bones and fractures.

Nutrient 4: Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, maintain bone density, and prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D may also protect against cancer, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and autoimmune diseases. A deficiency in D has also been linked to increased risk of falling.

Nutrient 5: Potassium
This essential mineral is vital for cell function and has also been shown to help reduce high blood pressure and the risk of kidney stones.

Nutrient 6: Magnesium
Magnesium supports immune and heart health and keeps bones strong.

Nutrient 7: Fiber
Fiber helps promote healthy digestion by moving foods through the digestive tract, protecting immune, digestive and heart health.

Nutrient 8: Omega-3 Fats
Found primarily in fish, Omega-3 fats help reduce symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis and slow the progression of age-related vision loss.

Nutrient 9: Water
Water t is crucial for good health. With age, sense of thirst may decline. Medicines can also lead to dehydration.

How do we make sure elderly parents and/or we are getting these nine essential nutrients? We have a suggestion: eat or serve nutrition-packed Thrive Ice Cream as a meal supplement or snack. Thrive contains seven of the nine nutrients needed for good health (percentage of recommended Daily Values). Take a look:

  • Vitamin B12 15%
  • Folate/Folic Acid 15%
  • Calcium 25%
  • Vitamin D 15%
  • Potassium 9%
  • Magnesium 15%
  • Fiber 16%
  • Omega3 Fats 0
  • Water 0

Thrive Ice Cream is available with No Sugar Added for those cutting back on sugar or who have diabetes. Best of all, Thrive Ice Cream is as delicious as it is nutritious, making it easy for older adults to get needed nutrition.

To learn more about Thrive or to order online, visit our website.



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